Afrilabs Annual Gathering 2024

November 8, 2024

Makerspaces have impact across fifteen sectors, from job creation and livelihood to gender equality in STEM. Despite their positive impacts, makerspaces can struggle with financial sustainability and not being fully recognised for their value - the representation of makerspaces at the Annual Afrilabs Gathering was an opportunity to change that. Many makerspaces were experiencing the same financial situations, and the AAG presented an opportunity for them to work on collaborative efforts to create a sustainable business model for makerspaces.

The AAG was a great example of the impact of in-person networking, leading to brainstorming sessions, collection of professional contacts, fundraising opportunities, collaboration, community building, educational development, and policy advocacy. Female experts from across Africa were strongly represented across the panels and presentations of the makerspace track. By showcasing female experts and leaders from across the continent, the event underscored the essential role of gender equality and inclusion in fostering innovation and growth within makerspaces.

Due to the overwhelmingly positive reaction to the inclusion of makerspaces as a track at the AAG, the continuation of a dedicated makerspace track would reap huge benefits. The track would increase visibility, encourage networking, support advocacy, and showcase successes and innovations from makerspaces, attracting more attention and support. Policy advocacy is essential for the recognition and growth of makerspaces - there needs to be continued engagement with policymakers and the sharing of resources highlighting the importance of makerspaces.

The connections forged at the AAG must be cultivated and maintained, thus there will be a post-AAG webinar in January 2025, and the Innovative Manufacturing in Africa monthly community calls will host a community call for the Africa Makerspace Ecosystem. Makerspaces wish to create an environment for continuous training, which could include skill development programmes focusing on financial sustainability, Gender and Social Inclusion, product quality or open-source hardware, and a resource library with training materials, best practices and case studies available to all members.