Open Know-Where Working Group Meeting 22.4.20 - Minutes
OKW - Open Know-Where
WG - Working Group
Attendance :
List of Attendees:
Action points:
Status update:
o Adoption: 2-3 rounds of OKW Dataawards. 150,000 points of interest mapped
o Maintenance: defining and implementing a process for maintenance of the standard
MaKe project
Roadmap for the OKW Standard and the OKW working group:
o Find the right balance between quality and quantity of data. Around 18% of data collected so far has been unusable (duplicates or low quality). Discussion on what is a minimum level of quality to be validated into the dataset.
▪ Anna: we never envisioned that all data points would be collected: very few fields are required (4)
▪ Ben: we could label the data to indicate validation status: validated (+time limit?)/unvalidated
▪ Max: does the current validation rule match with usefulness?
▪ Ben: is there any evidence of usefulness? Use cases, blogs (see notes on adoption below)
o What happens when a change request is made? Tools for the process are being built in the processes WG. On the governance of the approval processes, this is to be defined by each community.
▪ Suggestion to be put to the Governance task force: build a basic structure that each working group can be built off from
▪ Ask: Is there someone from OKW community interested in joining the Processes WG?
o Making sure the OKW standard that is published is up to date as it is migrated to Pubpub.
▪ Adoption: strengthening uptake and collecting evidence
o Communication:
▪ 1-year webinar: planned for early June.
▪ Blog posts, interviews, use cases
❖ OSM Uganda
❖ Nepal makerko
❖ Documenting OKW data awardee's journey
o Creating implementation guides for different sectors: Interviews with people who have been using it and using these interviews to build guides on using the standard in various contexts
o Tools:
▪ Building a data visualization tool and promoting it
▪ Self-submission form
Needs of the working group:
o Re-contacting the initial group
o New people: the IOPA network has grown, more organisations are using OKW, they should be invited in (Makerko, SomRIL)
▪ People to point to datasets/platforms to "add to the map"
Next meeting
3rd Wednesday of the month. May 18th. Time to be confirmed.
List of meetings we had this month
· Open Street Map Updates Meeting – 5th April 2022
· OKH LOSH Review – 8th April 2022
· OKH Adoption – 12th April 2022
· OKW Adoption Roadmap meeting – 20th April 2022
· Technology Strategy – 20th April 2022