Open Know-How Portability

Research, design and prototyping of tools for Portability was conducted from April to November 2022, benefitting from additional funding from the European Union's The Next Generation Internet (NGI) Data Portability and Services Incubator (DAPSI).
Our Technical Co-ordinator then brought in a software developer to form a partnership with Open Source Ecology Germany members who, within the OPEN!NEXT initiative, worked on the Library of Open Source Hardware (LOSH), which is built on the Open Know-How Discoverability standard.

Interviews and focus groups were in two phases: the first on scoping the tools’ design and development and the second on user testing of two prototype software tools:

  • Project Porter - allows users to extract project files from target platforms to their own devices
  • Portability App - enables use of the Open Know-How Discoverability standard to transfer files from target platforms for decentralised storage in 'Solid pods'